But when the class starts, it started to get more interesting, more and more. The seniors are super nice, and they have crazy personality, they are smart, but act like a student with disciplinary problem. Im not gay but I love to see seniors with......nice body. Im trying to work on it, I want to be tough and tall.....tapi mcm x de harapan. :(
Tunku Muhriz datang saser nak rasmikan nama baru. I involved myself in the lintas hormat during the ceremony. Tunku punya kereta bapak besar.
From SASER to SM Sains Tuanku MUNAWIR!. Bunyi kelaka. short form jadi SAMUN. Ada student kasi cadangan tambah kolej kat depan tapi nanti jadi KOTEMU. Haih. Tapi SASER tetap dipanggil SASER. Tapi SMK Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah nama paling gempak ah.
I cant wait to hang out with my BESTITIEEEES!!!!
-They said writing a blog about your own story, is gay. Is it?