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My Bro :D |
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Standard 6 :D |
Tetamu ialah orang yang datang ke rumah kita, sama ada dijemput ataupun TIDAK DIJEMPUT
First of all, i want to apologize to Manis because i couldnt come to ur place. My parents have many open houses invitation that they must go, friends,colleauges, and etc. So i had to stay home alone, until my parents came home at 4pm. Since Aniq` mom texted my mom to come to aniq`s open house. My mom wanna go since they know each other quite well. But suddenly, something happen.
Well, this is the story:
I finished studying at 5PM, my mom asked to get ready to go to aniq`s house. So, i took my shower. After I took my shower. My house`s bell rang. My mom went to the door and saw some people at our gate. Surprise guest!shit!. They suddenly came, without calling to say that they will come. First, I thought it will be just for awhile. They are my dad`s school mate. From the 70`s. They talk and talk and talk. Aku dah siap pakai lawa2 nak pegi rumah aniq. Then i asked my mom, `Ma,bile org tu nak balik?? Jadi x pegi rumah Aniq?`. Mak aku mengeluh sambil bancuh air teh. So my mom asked my dad, my dad couldnt resist talking with his old pals. so he say no. dang! So I texted aniq that I couldnt come. Aniq replied me `Ok xpe`. That short text makes me feel guilty. really guilty.
That night, I texted Nazahah. Asking what happened at manis and aniq`s house and who came etc. I missed the chance of a lifetime!!! Ramai kot yang ada. Nazahah told me: Syuk,Hariz,Yani,Zyha,Afeera,Amin,Fida`i,Anis and Manje sume ada! Shit!
Im surprised. At school, I didnt see or listened that they planned on going these open houses. then suddenly thay ALL came. Damn! I missed it. Im planning on doing my open house for my friends after PMR. I hope these guys will come, Manis and Aniq too.
Im sorry guys. Aku harap korang x simpan dendam. And I knew you guys had a lot of fun at Manis and Aniq`s open house. ugh! :`(