inilah dia sekolah mrsm yg aku mohon. nmpk mcm boring je ==`
I woke up this morning after I pretended to wake up when my mom called and asked what I want for my breakfast at 11am. My room is completely messy since my bro is home. damn it. Manis told me that he received a letter from MRSM about the exam thing.
Unusually,I checked the mail box and found a letter with my name on it. WOA! My mom was so excited and said `waa,ejol terpilih amik ujian ni`. I was like `ma,semua yg mohon kena pegi ujian ni`. ==` I admit that Im exited too,since I received a letter with my name on and its from MRSM. I will go. Somebody told me the exam is hard. Maybe they are just exaggerating. My laptop is getting shitter and shitter.For those who didnt attend school on the last day of school. Fuck you! Especially AUFA!
-When it comes to talk in front of a camera,you will fell like you are talking to hundreds of people,with hundreds of thoughts